Learn about the fine Mineral County Public Schools by visiting       http://boe.mine.k12.wvus/


Discover the wonderful state parks at



Browse the list of area businesses ready

to serve you at



Whitetail Ridge HOA
is a member 

of the Eastern Panhandle 

Organization of Homeowners Associations


2025 Annual Meeting

September 6th


Annual assessments due December 31st


Burlington Volunteer Fire Department; burn notification line:



West Virginia Department of Natural Resources:









Photo Gallery

Click on image to enlarge


Whitetail Apiary; image by Bryce Hanson

Whitetail Pond, image by Mark/Marcus Photography




                                                                                                                                                                     image by Mark/Marcus Photography

restored log building, image by Dan Hayes

                                                                                                                                                                      image by Susan Marshall

image by Mark/Marcus Photography

                                                                                                           image by Mark/Marcus Photography

Father Neuman of Providence

Print | Sitemap
Potomac Highlands of wild, wonderful West Virginia